Sunday, 15 May 2011

Project Still Life

 Still Life:

Watercolour pencil and pencil on heavy A3 watercolour paper.
Still life group using line:

Marker pen, Ink and Ink wash on heavy A3 watercolour paper.
Still life group using tone:

Soft pastels on A3 pastel paper. 

Check and log:

Still life: I rearly enjoyed doing this peice, although looking at it now I can see the angels are not quite right and the shadows on the wall on the right hand side of the picture could have been more fluid. In reflection I wouldn't have hesitated as I did and work at more speed which would have solved the problem of this and some of the lines created when washing the pencil. I liked marking out the subjects and spreading the colour before giving a more defined edge with coloured pencil.

Still life in group using line: I liked the bold strong lines of the marker pen and couldn't resist using a strong coloured ink, and slightly weaker ink wash on this picture. I wanted to add some smaller lines, which I don't think worked, not looking like they belong. The sense of depth was created by overlapping the objects and adding lines. 

Still life using tone: I am happy with the overall outcome. The angles of the tiles could have been a lot straighter, but as the instruction for this piece I was concentrating on the tone. I would have liked a larger range of colours than is in my collection of pastels at this time. 

Project Detailed Observation

Line drawing detail:

A4 paper with fine marker pen.
Getting tone and depth in detail:

A4 various pencils, 2b, 3b, 4b and 6b. 

Stipples and dots:

A4 paper with fine maker pen.

Check and log:

Overall these exercises made me look at efficient ways of filling the space to create a feeling of depth to the objects. 
Pen works well with dots and cross-hatching, giving the illusion of texture. I favoured pencil with the pine cones for the depth as it is as simple as adding more pressure to the paper in the darker arrears to create shadows and tone. 


I have been practicing with soft pastel's following the lessons in a book I now own: Pastel Workbook A complete course in 10 easy lessons by Jackie Simmonds.

Research Point

Find out about two artists who exemplify mastery of detailed drawing and make notes about their work. Choose a modern artist and one working in the nineteenth century or earlier. 

Ben Heine:
The modern artist is an easy choice for me. It's an artist I have been following on Facebook and on his blog for his work "Pencil Vs Camera". Ben Heine was born in 1983, studied art and journalism and currently lives and works in Belgium. He describes himself as a painter, illustrator, portraitist, caricaturist and photographer. 
As I'm unsure of the copyright, I'm unable to paste any of his work but please take a look at the following:

I have looked at utube where he shows how he starts his drawings for the Pencil Vs Camera series . Firstly he draws a sketch of his chosen object or objects on a torn piece of paper then holds this up towards the horizon to take a photograph. Some of this series is drawn with a comical aspect some with accurate detail. 
My integument is partly due the accurate detail with each line in perfect union with its match, and part I think due to my interest in photography and his way of joining the two.