Saturday 18 June 2011

Drawing Fruit and Vegetables in Colour

Using Hatching to Create Tone

My first attempt on the left I was unhappy with. The apple and the peach were not the correct shape as I was concentrating on the marks. Overall I felt it was a good practice piece but wanted to do better.

On the right, my second attempt. Must better than the first. The lines are much sharper and the colours better. The hatching shows clearer the shapes of the chosen object and the composition I believe is also better than my first selection.

This was my third exercise using line and tone - Using Markers or Dip Pens. I was happy using felt tip pens which I can use with more confidence giving bold sharp lines. The above Incorporated ink and dip pens. 
This gave me the most enjoyment as I worked. A more simple and pleasant piece I felt. 

Drawing Using Oil Pastel.

I selected a black sheet of A3 paper to show my black and green table cloth which worked well. I am very happy with the lemon which I scrapped some of the colour off to give the effect of the segments. If I were to redo this piece I would not use the slice of papaya. Although I am pleased with how I drew this and that it reflected the true piece of fruit, in the composition it possibly looks more like a piece of fish at first glance. 

Check and Log

I have found with every exercise, my composition and the relating the size to paper is improving, therefore the less the negative space.
What have I learned from drawing fruit and vegetables? I have been more confident with colour, line and tone. This has been the first time I have enjoyed using oil pastels which I believe shows in my work. I was able to use bold colour with a strong application with out hesitation. My mixing of colours has been more experimental as I would have never dreamt of using such contrasts previously. 
Until now I have normally selected media which can easily  be corrected show a mistake be made but in the pen and inks this at first was challenging for me to know that any error would show as a mistake or needed to be worked into the picture. 

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